Kdo / Who
Marko Slapnik je koordinator, snovalec, prizemljeni sanjač. Na samosvoj, a vedno izjemno rahločuten način izrisuje svoje ideje, ki jih nato udejanja za skupnost, v kateri živi in dela, ter v tesni navezavi z njo. Njegovo življenje in delo usmerja prav posebno in široko razumevanje vsega, kar se dogaja v njegovi bližnji in širši okolici. Ni le opazovalec sveta, temveč v njem in njegovih procesih dejavno sodeluje, pri tem pa ga odlikuje osupljivo spoštovanje do vsega živega.
Ukvarja se s svetovanjem in raziskavami ter trajnostnim turizmom, a to se zdi veliko preskromen opis vsega, kar zaobjema s svojim delovanjem. Markov premišljeni pogled seže daleč v prihodnost, a njegova duša se napaja pri dediščini naših prednikov, do katere ima prav poseben odnos. Ravno z interpretacijo naravne in kulturne dediščine se ukvarja tudi v zavodu Poseben dan, v okviru katerega s kolegi ponuja pristna doživetja v naravi.
Sam pravi, da ga najbolj nasmeji otroška razigranost, kar ni prav nič presenetljivo, saj je razigran nasmeh nekaj, kar nikoli zares ne izgine z njegovega obraza.
Njegov nasmeh je širok, prav tak pa je tudi njegov pogled na svet. Morda ravno v tej širini obstoja in delovanja tiči tudi skrivnost njegove nalezljive sreče …
Marko Slapnik is a coordinator, a maker, a grounded dreamer. He outlines his ideas in his own way – but always in a very attentive manner – and then executes them for the community, where he lives and works, and in close connection with the community itself. His life and work are guided by an especially wide understanding of everything that goes on in his close and more distant surroundings. He’s not just an observer, he’s an active participant in the world and the processes that develop around him; all this with an astonishing respect for all living beings.
His main fields of work are consulting, research and sustainable tourism, but this is a largely insufficient description of everything he encapsulates in his enterprises. Marko’s thoughtful look seems to go far into the future, while his soul is absorbing all the heritage of our ancestors, the heritage that holds a special place in his heart. Interpretation of natural and cultural heritage is exactly the main focus of Poseben dan institute (zavod Poseben dan), where his colleagues and him focus on providing authentic experiences in nature.
He says that childlike vivaciousness is what always elicits a smile from him, which is hardly surprising since a playful smile never leaves his face either. His smile is broad, and so is his worldview. Perhaps this wide extent of living and working is also the secret to his infectious happiness …
Intervju / Interview
Kaj je prva stvar, ki jo naredite, ko se zjutraj zbudite?
Najprej, če je le mogoče, pogledam skozi okno. Dostikrat me zbudijo ptice in se zavem, kako je fajn, da lahko to slišim pa vidim, kar vidim skozi okno.
Se lahko opišete v treh besedah?
Sem ljubitelj narave, veder in družaben.
What’s the first thing you do when you wake up in the morning?
First of all, whenever possible, I look out the window. Often, birds wake me up, and I realise how marvelous it is that I’m able to hear and see the things I see through the window.
Can you describe yourself in three words?
I’m a nature lover, upbeat, and sociable.
Če bi si lahko izbrali nadnaravno moč, katera bi to bila?
[daljši premor]
Najbrž da bi si želel [err] bolj globoko prisluhniti naravi, rastlinam, živalim; s tem bi znal jim posoditi svoj jezik.
If you could choose to have a superpower, what would it be?
[a longer pause]
I would probably like [err] to be able to listen more profoundly to nature, animals, plants; that’s how I would be able to lend them my articulation.
Kaj pa vas nasmeji in spravi v dobro voljo?
Razigranost otrok. Tisto otroško navdušenje; tudi ne samo otrok, tudi odraslih, ko se v naravi ali pa ob kakšni zgodbici, taki domači, prav iz srca nasmejejejo; in to nekako da, vrne tisto energijo, ki jo daš ljudem, in dobiš tudi širši nasmeh.
Imate najljubši del vasi?
Imam, zelo blizu tule, ni pa dostopen prav vsakomur, [err] vidi se ga pa z različnih koncev, od daleč.
Kateri spomin iz otroštva vam najprej pride na pamet?
[smeh] Ko mi je … Ko sem prihajal domov z različnih poti, ne čisto majhen, tudi potem malo kasneje, ko mi je stara mama skuhala tisto, kar sem imel rad: masovnik, gruševe žlinkrofe pa še kakšno dobro s svojega štedilnika.
Kateri letni čas najboljše opiše vaš karakter? Zakaj?
Jaz bi rekel, da jesen. Jesen v Logarski dolini ali pa na splošno v tem alpskem prostoru zna biti čarobna in jaz se s to široko paleto barv, s to globino narave takrat zelo povežem; tudi zaradi tega, ker sta pomlad in poletje prej zelo stresna, jesen je pa taka: bolj miren čas, zame osebno.
What makes you laugh and puts you in a good mood?
Children’s vivaciousness. That childlike excitement; but not just children, adults candidly laughing in nature or listening to a homely story – that’s what restores the energy you give to people and gives you a wider smile.
Do you have a favourite spot in the village?
I do, it’s very close to where we are right now, it’s not accessible to just anyone; [err] you can spot it from different viewpoints, though.
Which memory from childhood comes to your mind first?
[laughter] When my grandma would… When I was coming home from different outings, not only when I was still little, but also later in life, my grandmother would cook my favourite food for me: masovnik (a mushy dish made from dairy products), gruševi žlinkrofi (a type of dumplings), and other delicacies from her stove.
What time of the year best describes your character? Why?
I would say autumn. Autumn in Logarska Valley or in general in this Alpine Space can be magical, and I am strongly connected to nature’s deepness and to the wide colour palette in this period; partly because spring and summer before that are very stressful, autumn is a more peaceful time for me personally.