Kdo / Who

Jožica Ferk je domačinka iz Kungote, babica s šestimi vnuki in nadvse dejavna gospa, ki ji ni vseeno, kaj se dogaja v njenem kraju. Zanima jo marsikaj, s še posebej velikim zanosom pa se udejstvuje v kungoški Hiši vseh generacij. Je članica ženske kegljaške ekipe, ki se na treningu zbere trikrat tedensko, udeležuje pa se tudi predavanj, ki se odvijajo tam.   

Pozorno spremlja dogajanje v svojem kraju in povsem intuitivno razume, da je za sožitje in razvoj v kraju pomembno povezovanje med generacijami, dejavnostmi in interesi posameznikov, ki gradijo skupnost. Če bi imela nadnaravno moč, bi si želela ustvariti slogo in ljubezen med vsemi ljudmi, saj ji veselje, petje in dobra družba največ pomenijo. 

Z vsako svojo gesto izžareva veselje do življenja. Tesno je povezana s svojo okolico in ljudmi, ki jo obkrožajo, in najbrž je tudi to razlog za to, da se ji na obrazu mimogrede zariše veder nasmeh.

Jožica Ferk is a local from Kungota, a grandmother with six grandchildren, and a very active lady, who genuinely cares about what goes on in her home town. She is interested in many things, but Hiša vseh generacij (House of All Generations) is clearly her headquarters. She is a member of the female bowling team, which has training sessions three times a week, and she also attends lectures that are held there. 

She pays close attention to all the happenings in her town and inherently understand that in order to foster coexistence and development you need to build bridges between generations, activities and interests of all the individuals in the community. If she had the ability to possess a superpower, she would like to establish unity and love between all people, because joy, singing and good company mean the most to her. 

Each of her gestures emanates a true zest for life. She is tightly connected to her surroundings and the people around her; this may also be one of the reasons why it’s never difficult to elicit a smile from her.

Intervju / Interview

Kaj je prva stvar, ki jo naredite, ko se zjutraj zbudite? 

Uh,  sem bogu hvaležna, da sem še živa, ker sem že toliko v letih. 


Se lahko opišete v treh besedah?

Veselje, potem tudi življenje pa … Ne vem, kaj bi rekla. Mogoče tu [povem]: vsako jutro najprej pomislim, če moram kaj objaviti še za Hišo vseh generacij pa Radio Maribor. Da obvestim naše občane, kaj se tu dogaja, in širšo okolico. 


Če bi si lahko izbrali nadnaravno moč, katera bi to bila?

Da bi bila naša Kungota lepša. Da ne bi bilo smeti, da bi se pločniki sčistili. Da bi bili ljudje veseli pa da bi se vsi radi imeli.

What’s the first thing you do when you wake up in the morning? 

I thank the Lord I’m still alive, since I’m already in old age. 


Can you describe yourself in three words?

Joy, then life, and … I’m not sure what to say. Maybe I can say this here: each morning my first thought is if there’s anything that needs to be done for House of All Generations or Radio Maribor. To let my people know what is happening in our surroundings. 


If you could choose to have a superpower, what would it be? 

I would like to make Kungota cleaner. Make garbage disappear, clean the sidewalks. Make everyone happy and make them get along. 

Kaj pa vas nasmeji in spravi v dobro voljo?

Če so ljudje dobre volje pa da se poje kje, da smo zadovoljni; da se imamo radi. Da, v glavnem, da smo zadovoljni, da ne jamramo, ker nič ne pomaga jamrati, moraš samo delati; če samo delaš, potem nekaj imaš. 

What makes you laugh and puts you in a good mood?

When people are in a good mood, when there’s singing and everyone is satisfied; when there’s affection between people. When we are not whining, but actively striving for what we want. 

Imate najljubši del vasi?

Dosti [sem] doma, v familiji nas je dosti, osemčlanska familija, tako da pri nas je tudi kar pestro, drugače pa tu v Hiši vseh generacij se imamo zelo fajn; tu je dosti sprostitve in tu se lahko razvedrimo; pa tudi na kegljanju, vam povem, to so posebni užitki. 


Kateri spomin iz otroštva vam najprej pride na pamet?

Ja, lahko bi rekla, da spomin na otroštvo me veže prav na to hišo, tu sem leta ‘54 oziroma ‘52 začela hoditi v šolo. Tu je bila prej ena nizka zgradba, štirirazredna osnovna šola; to je bilo leta 1952, tu smo začeli hoditi v šolo. In takrat je bila Kungota čisto nekaj drugega bili smo vsi eno in je bilo lepo. 


Kateri letni čas najboljše opiše vaš karakter? Zakaj? 

Jesen, ker jaz grem proti jeseni. Jesen je zame lep letni čas, čeprav tudi pomlad imam zelo rada, ker lahko ustvarjaš nekaj na vrtu. Poletje je bolj tak’ dolgočasno, ker je vroče. Ampak vsak letni čas, če ga lepo živiš, je dober.

Do you have a favourite spot in the village?

I spend a lot of time at home, we are a large family with eight members, so it is quite lively at our house; but there is also good times here, in House of All Generations, you can relax and find amusement here; also bowling is a special joy for me. 


Which memory from childhood comes to your mind first? 

My memory from childhood is related to this house here [House of All Generations], this is where I started school in 1952. There was just a small building, and only four grades of primary school were carried out here. Kungota was completely different than we were all one and it was charming. 


What time of the year best describes your character? Why?

Autumn, because I’m nearing my autumn years. Autumn is a beautiful season for me, but I also love spring, because it lets you do your garden work. Summer is boring, because it’s too hot. But each season has something to offer, if you know how to relish it.

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