Local Heroes / Lokalne face Denis Goja predsednik Krajevne skupnosti Padna / Denis Goja, president of Padna Local Community (Padna, Slovenia)Veronika Zavratnik17 July 2019
Local Heroes / Lokalne face Marko Slapnik Lokalni projektni koordinator / Local project coordinator (Solčavsko, Slovenia)Veronika Zavratnik10 July 2019
Local Heroes / Lokalne face Janja Viher ZIP Maribor in podpredsednica Štajerske turistične zveze, (Kungota, Slovenija) / IIE Maribor and Vice President…Veronika Zavratnik9 July 2019
Local Heroes / Lokalne face Katarina Prelesnik Mayor of Municipality Solčava / Županja občine Solčava (Solčavsko, Slovenia)Veronika Zavratnik5 June 2019
Local Heroes / Lokalne face Karel Pavlinc Potter, ceramist / Lončar, keramik (Padna, Slovenia)Veronika Zavratnik5 June 2019
ResearchSmart Villages Tracing smart practices Our research on Smart Villages and Living lab concept is becoming a real “mission.” We…Veronika Zavratnik13 December 2018
ResearchSmart Villages Living like the locals do Dispersed hotels as a way forward for development of sustainable rural tourism In the…Veronika Zavratnik26 October 2018
GeneralResearchSmart Villages Have you ever heard about FabVillages? To begin with: as one may conclude from its determinant orientation towards sustainable future, FabVillage…Veronika Zavratnik26 September 2018
GeneralResearchSmart Villages What is a Smart Village – actually? The beginning of the 21st century is undoubtedly the era of countless smart devices: smart…Veronika Zavratnik26 September 2018
General Challenges of New Era – Skills That We Will Need in the Future Disruptive changes always bring forward new challenges to be tackled and demand new skills to…Veronika Zavratnik28 August 2018