Kdo / Who

Padna je za Denisa Gojo domača vas. Po dolgoletni karieri v igralništvu je leta 2000 najprej postal predsednik Turističnega društva Padna in leta 2002 še predsednik Krajevne skupnosti Padna. Mnogo let je bil v dogajanje vpet tudi na občinski ravni. Vse od začetkov svojega aktivnega delovanja na lokalni ravni je vpet v razvoj turistične ponudbe in sodelovanje z različnimi deležniki. 

Eden izmed njegovih najljubših kotičkov je kakopak stanovanje v Padni, ki nudi čudovit razgled na dolino, ki se razprostira pod vasjo. Z veseljem ga v uporabo ponudi tudi turistom, ki si zaželijo mirnih večerov v tej istrski vasici. 

Denis z zadovoljstvom pripoveduje o urejanju in obnovi poti do lokalnega vodnjaka, ki je hkrati z dostopom do vode prinesel tudi obujanje medsebojne povezanosti med vaščani. S pomočjo njegovih iniciativ je v vasi zaživela tudi ideja razpršenega hotela, ki igra pomembno vlogo v viziji razvoja trajnostnega turizma. 

Skratka, Denisu so domača mnoga področja in mnogi kraji, izmed vseh pa je posebno mesto odmerjeno Padni. 

Padna is Denis Goja’s hometown. After a successful career in the gambling business, he became the president of Padna Tourist Association in 2000, and then the president of Padna Local Community in 2002. For many years, he was active on the municipality level as well. He has been promoting development of tourism and collaboration with various stakeholders ever since he started being actively involved in processes at the local level. 

One of his favourite spots is of course   the apartment he owns in Padna. The apartment offers a beautiful view over the valley below the village and is also available to guests/tourists who long for a quiet evening in this Istrian village. 

Denis is pleased to talk about how the local water fountain and the path that leads to it have been renovated and newly arranged. He explains how the renovations also revived the connections between locals. His initiatives were a foundation for a now very well accepted idea of a dispersed hotel in Padna, which is an important stepping stone in the future vision of sustainable tourism in Padna. 

In short, Denis feels comfortable in many areas of work and at many places, but Padna is the one that holds a special place in his life.  

Intervju / Interview

Kaj je prva stvar, ki jo naredite, ko se zjutraj zbudite?

(smeh) Spijem kavo.

Se lahko opišete v treh besedah?

Ja. Optimist, velik optimist (smeh). Trikrat optimist.

What’s the first thing you do when you wake up in the morning? 

(laughter) I drink my coffee.

Can you describe yourself in three words?

Yes. An optimist, a great optimist (laughter). Three times an optimist.

Če bi si lahko izbrali nadnaravno moč, katera bi to bila?

Nadnaravno moč, da čitaš (op. p. bereš) ljudi, kaj mislijo. Včasih opaziš, da ljudje niso iskreni, ko se s tabo pogovarjajo. Da bi bral misli.

If you could choose to have a superpower, what would it be? 

Supernatural power to read what people think. Sometimes I notice that people are not honest when they talk to me. So to read people’s thoughts.

Kaj pa vas nasmeji in spravi v dobro voljo?

Včasih je to človeška  neumnost (smeh).

Imate najljubši del vasi?

Ja, v vasi je v bistvu moj kotiček moja garsonjera s čudovitim razgledom na celo dolino. In zjutraj, ko se tam zbudiš, to je veselje, veš, da si živ, da si v enem čudovitem kraju, in to je to. In ko svojim gostom to pokažem, delijo mnenje z mano.

Kateri spomin iz otroštva vam najprej pride na pamet?

Bom povedal čisto praktično zadevo. Kot otroci smo imeli v vasi pet, šest igrišč. Torej na vsakem koščku smo naredili igrišče, recimo za nogomet in tako naprej. Danes imajo (op. p. otroci) igrišče urejeno, pa ni otrok, ki bi se igrali.

Kateri letni čas najboljše opiše vaš karakter? Zakaj? 

Jaz mislim, da pomlad in jesen.

What makes you laugh and puts you in a good mood?

Sometimes it is human stupidity (laughter).

Do you have a favourite spot in the village? 

Yes. In the village, my little spot is my studio apartment with a beautiful view of the whole valley. And in the morning, when you wake up there, that is just pure joy. You know you are alive and that you are at a wonderful place. And when my guests see the view they share my opinion.  

Which memory from childhood comes to your mind first?

I will explain a very practical thing. When we were kids, there was five or six playgrounds in the village. It means that we used every corner to make a playground, for football for example. Today, there is a very well maintained playground in the village, but there is no kids to play there. 

What time of the year best describes your character? Why?

Spring and autumn, I think.

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