Local Heroes / Lokalne face

Ludvik Nazarij Glavina

By 23 October 2019 No Comments

Kdo / Who

Ludvik Nazarij Glavina prihaja iz družine vinogradnikov. Otroštvo je preživel na kmetiji, zato je tesno in pristno povezan z naravo. Tudi njegova ljubezen do žlahtne vinske kapljice je močno vezana na okolje in zemljo, v kateri uspeva vinska trta. Njegova kmetija se razpoteza nad istrsko vasico Šmarje, kjer se sam tudi najbolje počuti – rad ima tiste kraje, a še najraje je v zavetju svojega doma. Kako tudi ne bi bil. Posestvo Santomas je plod njegove vizije za prihodnost in spoštovanja do dela prednikov, zato tudi znanje, na katerem nastaja vino Santomas, temelji tako na tradicionalnih kot sodobnih načinih proizvodnje in distribucije. Na kmetiji Santomas zato pridelujejo zlasti rdeča vina najvišje kakovosti, kar pomeni, da se ves čas učijo in premišljeno uvajajo tehnološke inovacije, ki pripomorejo k še višji kakovosti. 

Ludvik Glavina je prepričan, da je vino unikatna stvaritev, saj nosi pečat vinarja, v tem duhu pa ga zanima tudi drugačno ustvarjanje: je velik ljubitelj in zbiratelj umetnin, ki okusno zapolnjujejo tako njegov dom kot tudi ustanove, katerim je nekatere od svojih umetnin podaril. 

Ne potrebuje nadnaravnih moči, bolj kot vanje verjame v moč ljubezni in spoštovanja do vsega živega ter v pozitivne učinke dobro opravljenega dela, ki edino prinaša želene rezultate. Je premišljen sogovornik, ki pozorno posluša in se preudarno odziva, zato je biti v njegovi družbi pravi privilegij. 

Ludvik Nazarij Glavina comes from a long line of winemakers. He spent his childhood on a farm, so he’s closely and genuinely connected to nature. His love for noble wine is strongly bound with the environment and the land that cultivates grapevines. His estate is expanded above the Istrian village of Šmarje, where he feels the most comfortable he loves the whole locality, but he prefers to stay in the sanctuary of his own home. Why wouldn’t he. Santomas Estate is an outcome of his vision for the future and respect for the work of his ancestors, that’s why the knowledge that goes into Santomas wines is based both on the traditional and the contemporary production and distribution methods. Santomas Estate is where they focus on growing highest quality red wines, which means that they are constantly learning and carefully introducing technological innovations aiding the improvements of the wine quality. 

Ludvik Glavina believes that wine is a unique creation, because it is marked by the winemaker’s imprint; in this spirit, he’s also interested in other type od creating: he’s an avid art lover and collector, the works of art he collects inhabit his home and some other institutions. 

He doesn’t need superpowers, his belief lies in the power of love, respect for living things, and the positive effects of a job well done, which is the only thing bringing results. He’s a thoughtful conversationalist who listens attentively and replies discerningly, that’s why being in his presence is a real privilege. 

Intervju / Interview

Kaj je prva stvar, ki jo naredite, ko se zjutraj zbudite? 

Jaz, ko se zjutraj zbudim, prva stvar, ki jo naredim, molim. In potem seveda se grem umit, se grem uredit, se oblečt, tako da lahko grem med ljudi urejen. 

Se lahko opišete v treh besedah? 

V treh besedah: da sem dejaven, srčen in na nek način gojim v svojem srcu empatijo do ljudi.

Če bi si lahko izbrali nadnaravno moč, katera bi to bila? 

Nobene. Ker ne obstaja in je velika iluzija. Če bi pa hotel imeti eno željo, bi rekel, da bi me prevzela, je pa to ljubezen do stvarstva; ljubezen do tega prostora, ljubezen do boga, do bližnjega – v tem bi si želel, da bi obstal. 

Kaj pa vas nasmeji in spravi v dobro voljo? 

Ja, v dobro voljo me spravijo različne stvari. Mislim, posebno če kdo zna povedat kakšen dober vic, potem se sigurno nasmejem, ne. V dobro voljo seveda me pa spravi en kozarec dobrega vina ali pa srečanje z eno prijetno gospo, ne, tako da različne, različne stvari me spravijo v dobro voljo. Seveda tudi če na finančnih trgih dobro kaže. 

What’s the first thing you do when you wake up in the morning? 

The first thing I do when I wake up in the morning, is pray. And than I wash myself, fix myself up, get  dressed, so that I’m tidy when I go among the people. 

Can you describe yourself in three words?

Three words: I’m active, ardent and in my heart I cultivate a certain empathy for the people. 

If you could choose to have a superpower, what would it be? 

None, because it doesn’t exist and it’s a big illusion. If I were to have on wish, though, it would be love for the creation; for this space, for God, for fellow people – I would wish to exist in this state.

What makes you laugh and puts you in a good mood?

There are different things that put me in a good mood. If someone can tell a good joke, that will for sure make me laugh. A glass of good wine or meeting one special lady is also something that will put me in a good mood, so there’s different things that cheer me up. Of course if the financial markets developments are encouraging, that is also something that pleases me. 

Imate najljubši del vasi?

Ja, če priznam in če hočem biti resnicoljuben, sem nekoliko egoističen in imam najrajši dom, kjer prebivam, ampak imam pa rad Šmarje kot take, kjerkoli že so, katerakoli hiša že, in pač ta prostor mi je všeč. 

Do you have a favourite spot in the village?

If I am to admit and be truthful, I must say I’m a bit egoistic and I prefer to stay at home, but I do love Šmarje, wherever, whichever house in the village, I’m simply keen on this place.

Kateri spomin iz otroštva vam najprej pride na pamet?

Ooo, to vam bom pa povedal! Če štejem otroštvo pri trinajstih letih: moji prijatelji v vasi so že vsi imeli kolo. Jaz pa nisem imel kolesa. Ampak sem vedel, da starši nimajo možnosti, je bilo težko, niso imeli denarja, da bi mi kolo kupili, ker smo bili štirje otroci; ampak pridem pa enkrat domov iz šole in vidim naslonjen na zid en lep rdeč kolo, s takimi kromiranimi blatniki, in sem rekel: “Oča, kdo je prišel nas pogledat s to ‘bičikleto’?” Je rekel: “Ludvik, ta bičikleta je tvoja.” 

Which memory from childhood comes to your mind first? 

Oooh, I’m going to tell you this! If I count being 13 as childhood: all my friends from the village already had their bikes. I didn’t have one. But I knew that my parents couldn’t afford it, times were hard, they didn’t have the money to buy me a bike, because there were 4 of us children at home; but one one day I returned home from school and saw a pretty red bike leaned against the wall, it had chromium-plated fenders, and I asked my father: “Papa, who came to visit with this bicycle?” He said: “Ludvik, this bicycle is yours.” 

Kateri letni čas najboljše opiše vaš karakter? Zakaj? 

Ja, jaz imam rad … Jaz imam zelo rad, imam rad jesen. Verjetno zato, ker se takrat pobirajo plodovi celoletnega dela na kmetiji. Ampak so vsi letni časi lepi, to nimaš kaj. 

What time of year best describes your character? Why?

Yes, well I love… I really love, love the autumn. Probably because that’s when you pick the labours of the whole year’s work at the homestead. But all seasons are beautiful, that’s for sure.

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